Commercial Animation is buying a full page (six "pitches")and we need your designs to fill the space. Each pitch would normally cost you $375 US but we're going to cover it because it will get the word out that we have such an awesome group of artists.
So this is a mini-competition whose winners will have their work submitted to Animation Magazine's competition (and be published).
Capilano's Pitch Party Procedure
1. Important: email Don or Craig to get invited to the Pitch Party Blog (and then accept the invitation) so you can post!
2. Post as many designs as you like. Read the instructions to make sure you know what the magazine is looking for. Though it would be nice to have six different students represented, there's no rule that says the same person can't win two out of the six spots.
3. The Capilano competition deadline is 11PM, June 5th (the Anim Mag deadline is the 9th). You may post early and get feedback from people. Only invited blog members (competitors and judges) will be able to visit the blog.
4. Judges will be selected from current grads and maybe a couple esteemed alumni.
5. The winners will then have a few days to tighten up their designs (or not) and we will submit them to Animation Magazine for publishing. The Animation Magazine rules are at this link.
6. Submit:
a) An image, 2.25 inches wide by 4.875 inches high
b) Up to 30 words to pitch the idea or character
c) A title (optional)
d) Contact information
Here is an example of a full page of 6 pitches:

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